Supporting others in difficult times

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Supporting others in difficult times

A Samaritan’s guide to helpful conversations

So many of our conversations at this time are about COVID-19 and this can become all-consuming. How can we acknowledge the impact this has on us and others, particularly when it just becomes ‘too much’?

When someone is having a difficult time, their emotional resilience often suffers. Things start to get on top of them and even small problems become magnified and weigh them down. But however hard it seems, taking the time to ask, ‘Are you OK?’ can help to release the pressure and turn stress that feels overwhelming into stress that can be acknowledged and resolved.

This guide has been designed with Samaritans, experts in supporting people at any time when they are struggling to cope, whatever they are going through. 

Find some space and time to work through this guide to understand how you can be there for someone when they need it most.