
Objective of the individual coaching service

To provide an easy to access, individually tailored coaching support service for the frontline primary care workforce, which focuses on proactively supporting people through COVID-19 by providing opportunities to process experiences, develop coping skills, deal with difficult conversations, and develop strategies for self-management in difficult circumstances.

Who is doing the evaluation?

NHS England and NHS Improvement has commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to conduct evaluation activities on its behalf. IES is an independent, not-for-profit research institute that specialises in evaluation and research on employment and HR matters. You can find out more about IES on its website www.employment-studies.co.uk.

The evaluation aims to explore:

  1. How the individual coaching support offer can be improved.
  2. Whether the individual coaching support offer made a difference to staff delivering primary care.

Proposed evaluation methods:

  • The information you provide online when you register and whenever you review your coaching sessions will be aggregated before being shared with the independent IES evaluation research team. You will be asked to provide ratings immediately following each coaching session.
  • Everyone who registers will also receive an invitation to complete two short feedback surveys: in October 2020 and February 2021. The surveys will ask you about your experience of accessing the coaching and what you thought of it.
  • The data collected through the surveys will be treated in confidence by IES and used only for the purposes of the evaluation. The findings will be reported to the NHS at aggregate level so that individual respondents cannot be identified from the results. The surveys will be anonymous – you will not be asked to provide your name on any of these. However, you may be asked to provide some information on your professional profile, such as length of time in your current role.

Do I have to take part in the evaluation?

No, participation is strictly voluntary. Your decision to complete feedback and survey requests will not affect the level of support you receive through the coaching service, either now or in the future. Even if you complete the surveys, you can change your mind at any stage of the evaluation before the findings have been used and you do not have to give a reason – just contact the team at [email protected]. By participating in the evaluation, you will contribute to the developing evidence base on supporting primary care staff. The feedback you provide will generate valuable insights to inform the on-going development of the coaching support offer, ensuring that it is tailored to meeting the needs of front line staff.

Privacy Notice

We have to tell you about why we are collecting information from you for the evaluation. This information is given in the Privacy Notice which should be read alongside this information sheet. The Privacy Notice makes clear what information we will collect and why and your rights.

Who do I contact for more information?

Please contact the team at [email protected].