Comments and discussions
Registration for the site is open to all who work in a health and care role or support the health and care workforce.
By commenting in online discussions you are agreeing to demonstrate your commitment to the People Promise and act with respect towards other users.
Comments are moderated and any comment deemed inappropriate or appears to be selling or promoting inappropriate services, at the discretion of moderators, will be removed. Moderators reserve the right to revoke access or suspend user accounts, without notice, if inappropriate behaviour occurs.
By joining a Group, you are agreeing to follow the Group Rules (below) and demonstrate your commitment to the People Promise.
How do I find a group?
All groups will have a brief description which should outline who the other members are and the aim of the group.
You may have multiple roles and feel like you are able to join multiple groups. There is no limit but do think about what you can bring to the group and what you hope to gain through your membership.
If you join one group and it doesn’t feel right, then leave and join another. Most people will understand. We are all busy and in this together. We would rather you are an active participant in one group than overwhelmed and unable to participate.
How do I use a group and what is expected of me?
You may wish to share thoughts, quotes, stories that are relevant to the group and that has helped you in your role. Use the feed for general conversations or to ask questions and offer support. The feed will let you know when new members join and when new discussions are started. When you first join the group please do introduce yourself in the feed.
Use the discussion area to have focused conversations around key topics or to discuss questions that are posed to the group. Lookout for new discussions appearing on a regular basis.
Group rules
We ask all our group members to remember our People Promise.
We also ask that all group members remember a few basic rules. If you are unable to follow these rules, your group organiser may suspend or cancel your membership. These are:
Be kind and courteous – we all deal with different situations in different ways. Let’s be together in a welcoming caring space, that focuses on supporting each other to navigate well. Remember we are safe and healthy. We look out for each other and ourselves.
Respect privacy – Being part of a group requires mutual trust. We are a team. Expressive discussions may make great group discussions, but may also be sensitive, personal and private. What is shared in the group should stay in the group. You will never share any quotes or information to the media. You will never ask members for their personal contact details.
No bullying or hate speech – Again, be kind. Remember that we are compassionate and inclusive. This is a space where everyone should feel welcomed and be fully included. Aggressive and prejudice language will not be tolerated.
If unwell, seek professional help – While this safe space is for you to share how you feel it is not a resource to help with specific mental health concerns.
No promotions or advertising – Feeling like someone is always trying to ‘sell’ you something can remove the intent behind the group of being a safe space to share feelings, learning and resources. Adverts and promotions may be removed and if done disproportionately, individuals’ membership may be cancelled or suspended.
Group member roles
A group organiser is responsible for creating a safe and engaging space for others, for opening up conversations and demonstrating participation by posing new discussion questions, sharing new resources or by hosting conversations.
A group organiser is supported by moderators who will help by reviewing and approving group membership requests, removing or deleting any conversations that are outside of the group’s purpose and rules, reviewing or removing members who are not able to observe the group rules.
Support for group organisers and moderators will be available in a separate group that you will be invited to. Here you will share ideas for creating lively and engaging safe spaces with other group organisers. You do not need to do one-to-one mentoring to join, but you will need to join if you are an organiser.