
Being adaptable when it comes to life’s situations, changes and challenges can help us feel more resilient.

When we think about our adaptability it’s helpful to consider our ability to:

  1. Bounce back after adversity and ‘get back on the horse’
  2. Be realistically optimistic about what is achievable
  3. Be flexible when managing expectations and accepting change

Taking time to reflect about adaptability:

  • When my plans change at the last minute, how do I adapt?
  • When my workload is at capacity and I’m asked to take on something new, instead if automatically saying ‘yes’, what would happen if I said ‘no’ or ‘I could do that if…’
  • What challenges do I have that I could do with some extra support to manage?
Extra support ideas if needed:

• Local coaching offers

• Your Employee Assistance Programme

Carers passport

• Exploring your organisation’s Flexible working policy

5-min Me Space