Staff Networks Board Development Offer


Resources ​

Document library

  1. NHS Long Term Plan
  2. NHS People Plan and NHS People Promise
  3. The NHS People Plan – Belonging in the NHS
  4. Priorities and Operational Planning Guidance – Supporting the health and wellbeing of staff and taking action on recruitment and retention
  5. Network Sponsor’s thought You Tube video
  6. Challenges Networks Face You Tube video
  7. Masterclass Resources
  8. Staff Networks Leads and Chairs Engagement Webinar series
  9. NHS Staff Networks Toolkit
  10. Lifelong Learning programmes on leadership, coaching and mentoring – Edward Jenner, Nye Bevan Programme, Executive Director Pathway and Aspiring Chief Executive Programme
  11. NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard ​(WRES)
  12. NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)
  13. NHS Providers – The Provider Podcast: Race Equality